Logo des Tisseurs de Chimeres

Les Tisseurs de Chimères

present :

Rendez-vous Blood Bowl VII

Logo Rendez-vous Blood Bowl

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Tweets de @rdvbb


Come and challenge Scampi or the fabulous triplette : Arkhandzar, Sladmortis and Kool !
Join it !

  • This year there is no avaible bedrooms in the tournament place but we are looking for a hotel for foreigners.
  • The Bar "le Manga" is 500 meters away, and they will be pleased to receive us. To continue the fun with some drinks
  • There will be a lot of French Coaches, are you afraid?.
  • Timeline, Awards and specific rules are on the Rules page of this website.
  • See you soon

    Before the tournament ...

    To have some information

    Please contact us : rendezvousbloodbowl@free.fr for all your questions about the tournament.

    To join

    Please go on http://rendezvousbloodbowl.free.fr/register.php?lang=en, if you have any problems, please contact : rendezvousbloodbowl@free.fr.

    You have to send a mail torendezvousbloodbowl@free.fr.

    The day before the tournament

    Prepare your minis, your rosters, your dugout, your game templates and dices.

    To go to the tournament

    We will be in the salle Gaugin , see here and the map of Montigny.